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Empowering others and helping those who need it most

“I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you
were doing it to me” (Matthew 25:40)

Our Mission


Green Family Foundation, Inc is rooted in the belief that we have an inherent responsibility and privilege to make a meaningful difference in our communities. Therefore, we are committed to being the hands and feet of Christ as we show all people that they are loved, seen and not forgotten. We will accomplish this great task through empowering others with community outreach and providing for their welfare.


Community Outreach

Soup Kitchen

Food Distribution

Community Service


We are always excited to venture out into the many diverse communities and meet the special people residing there! It is with unconditional love and humility that we interact with the residents to learn of their needs and to proceed with urgency to meet them.


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©2022 by Green Family Foundation, Inc. 

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